Petal’s Saga

As you might have read in my initial post, my first neighbors were two goats, Vixen and Petal. After tragedy struck Vixen, their owner assured me that Petal was being re-homed. At that point, I was relieved to hear it and let the matter rest.

Sweet Petal

A week or so later, I noticed a Facebook post about two lost dogs. These happen to be the dogs that chased Vixen and very likely contributed to her demise. Because I thought the matter settled and that Petal had been re-homed, I let it drop instead of contacting the owner to let her know about her dogs chasing the goats. I’ve since seen the dogs run through my yard somewhat regularly: about once a week or so. They always seem to be looking for a chase, so I was relieved to know that Petal had a safe place somewhere else.

Or so I thought…

A few days ago, about TWO MONTHS after I thought Petal was re-homed, I noticed her grazing in the neighbor’s driveway. My heart sank.

Poor baby wouldn’t let me near her…

I immediately texted the owner and asked about Petal’s welfare. The owner assured me she had a place to re-home her but she had no way to transport her to that location, “yet”. This made me wonder.

  • If she had two pet goats for years, how did she get them to the vet without proper transportation? Did the vet make house calls? Did she not have them looked after?
  • Sure, transportation may be an issue but does it really take TWO MONTHS to find it? In the meantime, this poor goat is alone and terrified.

In any case, I offered my assistance and began asking my friends and Facebook for help while awaiting her reply.

That reply never came.

A little doggy background

While awaiting the owner’s reply, I thought it might be a good idea to let the dogs’ owner know what was going on. I called the number from Facebook and spoke to her for a bit. I let her know what happened the day the dogs chased the goats. I let her know that I still see the dogs run through my yard regularly and since I saw them just the other day, I wanted to tell her about the situation and that the goat was out. I did not want them to chase Petal. She is already terrified and alone.

As it turns out, the husky dog (Husk) was a stray that came along not long after I moved in my place. The owners of the darker dog (Remi) took in Husk, as well. Unfortunately, they have been having some trouble since they took him in. As it turns out, the dogs have teamed up and killed a few chickens and ducks from another neighbor, so the owner was not happy to hear about the goat. I assured her that it was not guaranteed that Husk caused her injuries resulting in her death, but that I did personally witness the dogs go after her, corner her, and nip at her. This owner was very concerned and forthcoming. She said she would speak to her husband about what steps to take next while doubly assuring me that they did NOT want these dogs to get out of their yard at all. I let her know I would text her should I see them in my yard again and we left it at that.

Help is on the Way

The next day I had yet to hear from the goat owner, so during my lunch hour I began calling or emailing animal rescue places in and around Nashville*. While most places do not deal with goats (one even told me it would be very difficult to find a home for a goat with horns… what? I think Petal’s horns give her a distinguished look!), most organizations were more than happy to direct me to someone who might help.

Finally, I was speaking to someone with the Farm Animal Care Coalition of Tennessee (FACCT), and was so relieved when the woman I was speaking with said if she could not find anyone then SHE would transport the goat. There are awesome people in this world!! I assured her that I would help with her gas expenses as I took her information to pass on to the goat owner and we made a deal; if she does not hear from the goat owner within one week, she will call me back and let me know. At that point, I will have no other choice but to call Animal Control or, as this nice lady suggested, call the Sheriff who can come check on Petal and then further determine what steps to take.

I do not want it to come to that, but I am deeply concerned for Petal’s welfare.

While speaking with the lady from FACCT, I received another call from someone at Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary. This wonderful lady was letting me know that the farmer who lived behind her may be interested in taking in Petal since he had two other female goats. I let her know that our primary goal was to find transportation, but if that fell through at all, I would contact her about placing Petal with the farmer.

Awaiting Reply

Finally, I sent a text to the goat owner providing her with the contact information of the lovely lady at FACCT who agreed to transport the goat. Then I let her know that the farmer was interested in Petal and could come pick her up.

Still, no response. And so we wait…



*For more information on these wonderful organizations, see my Wild Resources page.

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